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Freelance Open Application Verhaert


Technical and Innovation Freelance Consultants

Masters in Innovation companies Verhaert New Products & Services, Verhaert Consulting and Verhaert Digital are constantly looking for freelance experts interested in solving technical and business innovation challenges and envisioning future opportunities
Are you to strenghten our projects with additional and complementary competences to ensure the deliveriy of top knotch services to our customers.
Do you want to stay up to date on interesting freelance innovation assignments?
Push the "apply" button
We would like to receive your CV, linkedin profile, portfolio ...
as well as your top 5 areas of expertise and ideally a short pitch.

We will then contact you to discuss future opportunities.

Masters in Innovation companies Verhaert New Products & Services, Verhaert Consulting and Verhaert Digital zijn continu op zoek naar freelance experten met een passie voor en expertise in het tackelen, analyseren, ontwikkelen en oplossen van technische en business innovatie-uitdagingen.
Wil u up to date blijven over voor u interessante freelance innovatie opdrachten?
"Solliciteer" dan via deze weg.
Graag ontvangen wij uw CV, linkedinprofiel, portfolio ...
evenals uw top 5 expertisedomeinen en idealiter een korte pitch.

Wij nemen dan verder met u contact op om toekomstige opportuniteiten te bespreken.

Your Freelance Profile

Your top 5 areas of expertise*



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Peter Roels

Freelance Open Application Verhaert
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